JavaScript for Beginners!   Part-9 πŸŒ™

JavaScript for Beginners! Part-9 πŸŒ™


3 min read

Hello Legends!! πŸ˜‰

So, this is my Part-9 for JavaScript for Beginners!!⭐

Let's get started!!⚑

1.Greater than sign in JSπŸ”₯

// Comparision with the greater than sign!!

function letsCheck(isItGreater) {
  // Created a function
  if (isItGreater > 100) {
    // Checking
    return "It is greater than 100!"; // returning
  return "It is 100 or less!"; // returning

console.log(letsCheck(200)); // Output: It is greater than 100!


It is greater than 100!

Run this code and understand by your own.

2. Greater than equals sign πŸͺ

// Comparision with Greater than equals operators!

function letMeCheck(isItGreaterEquals) {
  //Created a function
  if (isItGreaterEquals >= 100) {
    //check if it is greater or equal to 100
    return "100 or Over"; //returning
  return "Less than 100"; //returning

console.log(letMeCheck(100)); // Output: 100 or Over


100 or Over

I want you to write it, run it, understand it! 😎

3. Less than sign in JS 🍩

// Comparision with the less than sign!!

function lessThan(isItLess) {
  // Created a function
  if (isItLess < 50) {
    // Checking if it is less than
    return "It is less than 50"; // returning
  return "It is 50 Or Greater"; // returning

console.log(lessThan(40)); // Output: It is less than 50


 It is less than 50

Hopefully that went well 😎

4. Less than equals sign πŸͺ

// Comparision with Less than equals operators!

function lessThanEquals(isItLessEquals) {
  // Created a function
  if (isItLessEquals <= 100) {
    // checking if it is less than or equals to 100
    return "100 or Less"; // returning
  return "Greater than 100"; // returning

console.log(lessThanEquals(40)); // Output: 100 or Less


100 or Less

5. Understand And(&&) Operator πŸ‘‘

Basically && Operator means we will check that if both the conditions are true also it's compulsory that both the conditions must be true and if one will be wrong then it will not work!! πŸ™‚

// Understand And(&&) Operator

function letsCheckAnd(num) {
  // created a function
  if (num <= 20 && num >= 10) {
    // Check it
  return "Yes"; // returning

  return "No"; // returning

console.log(letsCheckAnd(14)); // Output: Yes, because both the conditions are true!
//                             And if we put a number like 140 so it will be no
//                             because there will be only the second condition true!😁



6. Understand Or( || ) Operator🍹

Basically Or ( || ) operator means that if one statement is true then also it will work!! 😎

// Understand Or ( || ) Operator

function testOr(val) {
  // Created function
  if (val < 10 || val > 20) {
    // checking
    return "Outside"; // returning
  return "Inside"; // returning

console.log(testOr(21)); //Output: Outside, because the second statement is true!



So that is it for today guys, if you are having any doubt any query please mention it in the comments below.

Motivation for Today: "Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen...β™₯"

I will see you all again in the next article which will be Part-10 till then take care and Goodbyeee!! πŸ˜€